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Speciality Papers Envelopes Pocketfolds Envelopefolds

About the Paper and Card Store

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Established in 1998, we supply paper and paper based products to many various sectors and private end users.

Our traditional client base has included the commercial print industry, pharmaceutical industry, graphic designers, wedding stationers and general print & product specifiers.


With significant investment in specialised cutting & finishing equipment in 2018 for bespoke cutting of plastics and paper, our product range has extended significantly.

New products and services now include designing and producing plastic prototypes and then full production once finalised.

Also the ability to produce any size paper & plastic based envelopes & wallets from any of our stocks.



The Paper and Card Store
C7 Clonlara Avenue
Baldonnell Business Park
Dublin 22



Phone  +353 (0)1 466 0535
Fax      + 353(0)1 466 0340


email   info@thepaperandcardstore.com

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